World Cancer Day
The Reproductive Health Training Center and the Women’s club of Moldova (http://www.iwcm.md) are working together to organise an event on World Cancer Day.
During this event we plan to discuss cervical cancer as a global problem and the ways of its prevention. Besides our NGO resources we are going to use some internationally important information.
This event will substantially raise the awareness of the most influential women in Moldova towards the importance of cervical cancer prevention.
Fri, 04/02/2011
Address of event: Chisinau, Moldova
Event language: English, Romanian, Russian
UICC Member: Yes
Organiser’s contact adress: Reproductive Health Training Center, 20 Melestiu str, Chisinau, MD 2001, Moldova
Contact name: Irena Digol
Email: irdigol@yahoo.com
Topics: Cancer prevention and control, Cervical cancer / HPV
Source: http://www.worldcancerday.org