Activitățile CIDSR în atenția presei internaționale
Moldovan Reproductive Health Training Centre provides training on reproductive health and comprehensive abortion care
The Reproductive Health Training Centre (RHTC) in Chisinau, Moldova, is regularly providing training courses for the Eastern European and Central Asian region. In September 2015, for example, they ran a Regional Training Course on Development and Implementation of Clinical Guidelines in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Chisinau, with the support of UNFPA’s Regional Office Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Representatives of the Ministries of Health and experts from seven countries, including Belorussia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and the Republic of Moldova, participated, along with representatives of the UNFPA Regional Office, and Mihai Horga, Programme Coordinator of the East European Institute for Reproductive Health in Romania.
Most recently, on 16-20 May 2016, they carried out their third training course in comprehensive abortion care and implementing WHO recommendations, locally, in Tiraspol, Transnistria, in Moldova. Twenty-four gynaecologists, obstetricians and midwives from Transnistria were trained. Three medical institutions, in which three future model clinics will be opened, were equipped with supplies and medications.
That training was organized by RHTC in collaboration with the Head Physician of the Republican Center for Mothers and Children and the Head of the Center for Reproductive Health, Tiraspol, with the consent and support of the Ministry of Health of Transnistria, and funded by the Safe Abortion Action Fund. The purpose was to improve the quality of abortion services and train medical staff to provide safe abortion methods in accordance with WHO recommendations. Each of the participants had the chance to practice on a pelvic model and to do an MVA for a real patient using with local anaesthesia, after offering counselling and obtaining informed consent.
SOURCE/PHOTO: UN in Moldova, 7 September 2015, and avort.md in Astra Bulletin No.6 (154) 2016