Project "Evaluating and mapping comprehensive abortion care in the Republic of Moldova"

PROJECT: Evaluating and mapping comprehensive abortion care in the Republic of Moldova


PROJECT GOAL: Evaluate the achievements, quality of care, and sustainability of comprehensive abortion care in the 6 sites strengthened; Evaluate the nationwide provision of abortion care according to Moldova standards and guidelines and create an interactive map, accessible by the general population, highlighting facilities providing services according to national standards; and, national dissemination workshop for policymakers and programme managers to review the results of the evaluation and mapping and to plan for future facility strengthening.


– Raport privind evaluarea calității serviciilor de întrerupere a sarcinii și implementării Standardelor pentru efectuarea întreruperii sarcinii în condiții de siguranță în Republica Moldova

– Report “Assessing the Quality of Pregnancy Termination Services and Compliance with Safe Abortion Standards Republic of Moldova”


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