Projects implemented in 2014 - 2017

PROJECT: All Equal, All Healthy: Empowering Women and Girls with Disabilities in Moldova to Exercise their Sexual and Reproductive Rights


PROJECT: Coordinate Regional Training Center on Development and Implementation of Clinical Guidelines and Protocols on Reproductive Health


PROJECT: Strengthening national system of services provision in family planning

  • Implementation period: 2015-2017
  • Donor: UNFPA Moldova
  • Project Budget: 45.665 USD


PROJECT: Increasing the quality of abortion care within a comprehensive package of reproductive health services in Transnistria


PROJECT: Evaluating and mapping comprehensive abortion care in the Republic of Moldova

  • Implementation period: 2014-2015
  • Donor: WHO
  • Project Budget: 17.342 USD


Reproductive Health Training Center (RHTC)  took over the coordination of the International Consortium for Medical Abortion (ICMA)

  • Implementation period: 2005-2014


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