Skills upgrading of Transnistria medical staff in family planning in accordance with WHO recommendations

On December 13, 2017 the fourth training of the 5 planned in family planning for obstetrician gynecologists from Transnistria took place in the Center for Reproductive Health, Tiraspol .

This activity is part of the project “Improving uptake of contraceptives within post abortion care in Transnistria” project, which is supported by the Ministry of Health of Transnistria, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova and positively accepted by OSCE mission Moldova.

The main goal of the training –  Strengthen abortion service providers’ capacities in all healthcare settings in the region in family planning and post-abortion qualitative counseling in accordance with WHO recommendations.

The training was organized by the Reproductive Health Training Center (RHTC) Chisinau in collaboration with Dr. Oxana Ceban, Head of the Reproductive Health Center, Tiraspol.

22 ob/gyns and midwives  from Transnistria were trained during the training.

The training was facilitated by:

Dr. Rodica Comendant, MD, CIDSR director, WHO expert on safe abortion, ob/gyn, associate professor at USMF “N.Testemiţanu”
Dr. Irina Sagaidac, MD, ob/gyn, assistant  of USMF “N.Testemiţanu”.


The subjects addressed during the training were:

  • Family Planning. Sexual and reproductive rights. The notion of contraception. Use contraception in the world and in the Republic of Moldova.
  • Hormonal contraception. Combined oral contraceptives. Advice on eligibility criteria. Correct use of the method.
  • Hormonal contraceptives only with progesterone: Injectables, implants and pills.
  • Implants.
  • Emergency contraception.
  • Contraception after the abortion procedure. New evidence of efficacy of contraception after abortion in terms of abortion reduction.
  • The intrauterine device.
  • Barrier methods.

At the end, participants were given participation certificates, specially translated WHO family guidelines “Family Planning”, leaflets and posters in family planning.


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