Project “All Equal, All Healthy: Empowering Women and Girls with Disabilities in Moldova to Exercise their Sexual and Reproductive Rights”
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 01 July 2016 – 30 June 2017
DONOR: Embassy of Finland in Bucharest
PROJECT GOAL: To increase awareness of sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls with disabilities in Moldova and enable them to exercise these rights and to take informed decisions regarding their own sexuality.
- Build the capacity of women and girls with disabilities to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights, increase their confidence and self-esteem in order to be able to make better and informed decisions.
- Increase the level of knowledge of sexual and reproductive rights of intermediaries (staff working in institutions for persons with disabilities and organizations who wish to educate and sensitize staff, teachers, care givers and family members of women and girls with disabilities).
- Sensitize the society and reduce the discriminatory attitudes towards women and girls with disabilities, by raising mass media’s awareness on this issue, and contributing to the change of the quality of the messages they deliver (from accusative to educational ones).
Activities under the Objective 1
- Conduct a three-day training of trainers (TOT) for 15 girls with disabilities to build their capacity to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights;
- Extend the operation of the existing Reproductive Health Training Center (RHTC) hotline/call center with the mandate to provide immediate support (through correct information, details about the health facilities they have the right to access) to the women and girls with disabilities in need and/or intermediaries.
- Create, maintain and promote a compartment related to sexual and reproductive rights on RHTC web/Facebook;
- Organize National Conference on sharing the results of the pilot-project in increasing awareness on sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls with disabilities in Moldova.
Activities under the Objective 2
- Mapping gaps and support needs in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for women and girls with disabilities in Moldova;
- Conduct four-day training for 15 intermediaries (staff, teachers, care givers and family members of women and girls with disabilities).
Activities under the Objective 3
- Organize a mass-media club with value clarification exercises (one club), write media advisories and press releases;
- Organize a competition of articles on the issue of sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls with disabilities, with the nomination of a winner.