Project “Increasing the quality of abortion care within a comprehensive package of reproductive health services in Transnistria”
In 2013, the Reproductive Health Training Center (RHTC) received from grant for project “Increasing the quality of abortion care within a comprehensive package of reproductive health services in Transnistria”. The project is implemented with the support of European and Moldavian Office of World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Ministry of Health from Transnistria. The project period :
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: January 1st 2014 – December 31st 2016
DONOR: Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF)
PROJECT GOAL: To increase the quality of abortion care within a comprehensive package of reproductive health services in Transnistria, through transfer of good practices of institutionalization of Comprehensive Abortion Care (CAC) model in Moldova
The specific objectives of the project are:
- To increase the quality of abortion care in the Reproductive Health (RH) center in Tiraspol the main body for the RH services, and scale up the CAC model to the 7 existing RH offices in the region, ensuring that at least 80% of women, requesting pregnancy termination, receive CAC services in line with WHO recommendations.
- To obtain the institutionalization of the model of ambulatory CAC services in Transnistria.
- To increase the community awareness on modern contraception and safe abortion in the context of women’s sexual and reproductive rights and health and the demand for high quality abortion services
- Modest renovation of the procedure and recovery room in 8 RH centres in Transnistria.
- Equipping the new 8 CAC Centres with supplies and meds.
- Approval by the local health authorities of the national CAC standards and indicators for data collection on quality of abortion care.
- Uploading on the RH center website of the articles/news on safe abortion, modern methods of contraception and sexual reproductive rights.
- Was allowed the order on performing MVA and MA in Tiraspol.
- On was created a special compartment Reproductive Health in Transnistria where are reflected all activities that have been conducted in region.
- With the support and approval of MoH from the region, has been done a modest renovation of the procedure and recovery room in Tiraspol RH center.
- Were conducted two CAC trainings, 44 gynecologists were trained from all medical institutions from region.
- All medical institutions from region were equipped with supplies and meds.
- For the first time the local press wrote and spoke openly in a TV programme about safe abortion, women’s SRHR, modern methods of contraception.
- Have elaborated informative materials for women, men and adolescents on safe abortion, modern methods of contraception and sexual reproductive rights. 1000 posters were disseminated in all medical institutions from region.
- Until the end of the year, the working group will adapt and approve the statistical reporting form of abortion.
- Until the end of the year we will finish the modest renovation in 2 CAC model centers. One center will be created in Grigoriopol and the second in Bender.