National Media Campaign to Combat Stereotypes and Raise Education and Awareness of the Population of the Republic of Moldova on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, with a Focus on Socially Vulnerable Groups and People with Disabilities

IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: April 1, 2024 – February 28, 2025

DONOR: CNAM –National Medical Insurance Company


The goal of this project is to progressively achieve a high level of sexual and reproductive health and well-being at all stages of life, for the entire population of the Republic of Moldova, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, place of residence, religious affiliation, socio-economic status, health status and any other criteria, thus leaving no one behind.


  • Conducting an information, educational, and communication campaign for the population of the Republic of Moldova to improve sexual and reproductive health, adapted to the specific needs of vulnerable groups, together with the project’s media campaign partner, Pumbaa Studio.
  • Strengthen the role of the national network of libraries, social workers and local authorities in promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights, including by debunking/combating myths, prejudices and stereotypes that impede access to sexual and reproductive health services.
  • Increasing the level of awareness and involvement of non-governmental organizations working with the population from vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities in rural areas, in education on sexual and reproductive health.


  • Development of information resources: infographics, print, online
  • Ensuring access to information for beneficiaries of public and private health facilities providing sexual and reproductive health services
  • Promotion of information on sexual and reproductive health and rights, including on available sexual and reproductive health services in public transport in Chisinau and on intercity routes
  • Empowering librarians, teachers and social workers as educators and advocates, as well as catalysts for change in relation to local public authorities in the field of SRHR
  • Provision of libraries and teachers with information materials (video and print) on sexual and reproductive health for dissemination to the population
  • Conducting trainings in this area and training of trainers from among members of non-governmental organizations working with the population from vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities from rural areas, on education in the field of sexual and reproductive health.
  • Adaptation of information materials for distribution to the specific needs of people with disabilities: translation of online materials for the deaf and dumb, printing in Braille, etc


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