We launched the National Project for the Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health!

31 May, 2024

We are pleased to announce the start of the National Project for the Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health, carried out in collaboration with the National Health Insurance Company and the Ministry of Health.

The launch event was a success, managing to gather representatives of various institutions and organizations, such as CNAM, ANSP, ANAS, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, UNFPA, IMSP, Y-Peer, Motivation Association, Association of Librarians, Alliance for Dolna Association, Association of the Deaf, Neovita, Alliance of Organizations for People with Disabilities, VIVERE, Pumba Studio, CIDSR, Faculty of Psychology and Psychopedagogy,  and many others.

We hope that the project will have the success we all want, achieving a high level of health in Moldova and we continue to rely on our partners to make this possible.

Mrs. Victoria Ciubotaru, coordinator of the National Program on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights within the Institute of Mother and Child gave a detailed presentation on the current situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Moldova. She stressed the growing need for information and education among the population, highlighting the lack of knowledge on the services offered free of charge or compensated by the National Health Insurance Company and the fact that sexual health is not only for women of reproductive age but for the entire population, regardless of gender or age.

Mrs. Angela Paraschiv, State Secretary at the Ministry of Health and Mr. Ion Dodon, Director of CNAM spoke about the importance of implementing this project in the current context. Both stressed the crucial role that education and access to accurate information play in improving sexual and reproductive health, and reiterated that a significant budget of the country is allocated to these services. They also emphasized the importance of collaboration between state institutions and non-governmental organizations to ensure the success of the project.

Mrs. Rodica Comendant, RHTC expert detailed the project activities, explaining the main objectives and specific steps we will follow to achieve them. She highlighted the planned educational programs and information campaigns, mentioning the importance of community involvement in these endeavors. They talked about the informative materials already within non-governmental organizations and about the need to aggregate them so that they are as visible and useful as possible to the population.

Vadim Sheptichin, administrator of Pumba Studio, the production company responsible for creating the information campaign materials, discussed the implementation of the information materials, explaining how they will be distributed and used to reach the widest possible audience. He also led the debate session, where participants had the opportunity to express their opinions and share suggestions and ideas for optimizing the project and choosing the LOGO and message of the campaign.

We thank everyone for their participation and involvement in the project both at the launch event and during its development. We know your time is valuable and we appreciate you participating in such large numbers.


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