RHTC recently organised a training session on medical abortion in Tiraspol. The workshop took place within the framework of the pilot project in this domain in the Transnistrian region – PHOTO[:]

24 October, 2023

On October 12, 2023, the Reproductive Health and Telemedicine Center (RHTC) orchestrated and actively participated in a modest yet impactful dissemination and training workshop in Tiraspol.

Building upon the success of the ongoing pilot study initiated in June 2023, the decision was made to expand the participant capacity from 50 to 100. This determination stemmed from several key factors:

  1. Enrollment Velocity: The members of the working group demonstrated a remarkable grasp of the process and readily adopted the innovative patient-provider interaction method. This departure from the conventional involvement in every standard patient-provider interaction step was noteworthy.
  2. Process Simplicity: The ease with which medical abortion was offered through telemedicine was impressive. The providers involved in the study were amazed of how many of the steps in this type of patient/provider interaction they were already using for a long time.
  3. Trust in Participants: Women participating in the study showcased a commendable understanding of their health and requirements. They took pride in being decision-makers in the critical choice of opting for medical abortion via telemedicine. Their empowerment and confidence in managing their health were truly inspiring, despite lacking medical expertise.
  4. Interest from Other Cities: Encouraged by the initial success, three additional cities in Transnistria expressed interest in joining the study and requested inclusion.

In light of the aforementioned factors, RHTC, in collaboration with Oxana Ceban from the Reproductive Health Center in Tiraspol, resolved to extend the pilot study in terms of duration and participant numbers, encompassing both providers and beneficiaries.

The event was meticulously prearranged. A member of the working group compiled the existing data into a PowerPoint presentation, aiming to vividly showcase our accomplishments thus far. The gathering saw participation from a total of 17 individuals, including members of the local Ministry of Health, pilot study doctors, data management staff aiding in data analysis, and six new members of the pilot study from Rabnita, Bender, and Grigoriopol.

Dr. Rodica Comendant, representing RHTC, commenced the event by providing insights into Moldova’s experience with the new method’s introduction. She highlighted how the challenges posed by Covid-19 facilitated the acceptance of this method as a norm, fostering self-confidence among the beneficiaries. Dr. Comendant also expressed her delight at the positive response to the pilot study in Tiraspol.

Oxana Ceban presented the data analysis for the 50 participants enrolled by September 30th, 2023, in a compelling PowerPoint presentation.

The representative from the Ministry of Health expressed gratitude and admiration for this innovative approach, recognizing its potential to significantly impact Transnistria’s medical landscape. This endorsement was timely and encouraging.

Subsequently, doctors directly involved in the pilot study shared their experiences, acknowledging initial apprehensions and ultimately celebrating their evolving trust in the method and their patients. Their testimonials provided valuable insights and bolstered the confidence of new working group members who were about to commence their training.

The latter part of the event was dedicated to the training session, where we presented the tools and methodologies used by their Tiraspol counterparts. Our personal IT department had ensured seamless access for each city to facilitate efficient patient information management. We conducted a tutorial involving a case study, allowing each participant to practice filling out the necessary forms. Despite some initial concerns about potential challenges specific to their institutions, it was unanimously decided to prioritize patient enrollment and address issues as they arise.

In summary, this day marked a significant achievement for the RHTC team. We successfully fulfilled our objective of assisting our colleagues in Transnistria in embracing progress, accepting change, and recognizing it as a positive stride toward the future of their community.



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