New Global Abortion Policies Database

26 June, 2017

The Human Reproduction Programme (HRP) at the World Health Organization and the Population Division of the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs launched the Global Abortion Policies Database at the 30th Annual Meeting of the HRP Policy and Coordination Committee on 22-23 June. The main objectives of the database are to promote greater transparency of abortion laws and policies and State accountability for the protection of women and girls’ health and human rights. It includes information on abortion laws, policies, health standards and guidelines, as stated in the source documents, with notes that provide details of unique policy nuances. The database also includes country-specific sexual and reproductive health indicators. However, the database does not address how laws and policies are applied in practice. The database has been launched on two web interfaces: – The HRP web platform: — The UN platform: The HRP platform juxtaposes relevant policy data with information and recommendations from WHO. In addition, country profiles include penalties, ratified human rights treaties, and extracts from UN treaty monitoring body concluding observations and special procedures on abortion. Read more about this resource on their web pages: Source:


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