The Director of RHTC, Rodica Comendant, participated in the Round Table organized on the topic "New price list for health care organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic for the provision of medical services in the field of gynecology". The event took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.[:]
On May 11, an important event was held in Bishkek. Details of the “New price list for health care organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic for the provision of medical services in the field of gynecology” were discussed. The round table was organized by the Kirgiz Family Planning Alliance (KFPA) in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The event started with welcoming speeches by the representative of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic and Bozgropoeva Baktygul Battalovna, director of the organization Kirgiz Family Planning Alliance (KFPA).
The event was attended by 60 people involved and interested in this field with a diverse range of perspectives and expertise (gynecologists and obstetricians, representatives of the Ministry of Health and the National Insurance Department of Kyrgyzstan). By bringing together people passionate about this field, the event has potential to inspire new idea, spark innovation and strengthen the community.
During the Round Table, Asylbasheva Raisa Beishenalievna, Chief Specialist of the Department of Healthcare Organization and Medicines Policy in the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, made a presentation on “The current situation in the provision of healthcare services for women of reproductive age”.
Aydildaeva Elisa Dogdurbekovna, Chief Specialist of the Department of Financing and Planning of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, presented “Price list for organizations providing medical services in the Kyrgyz Republic operating under the single payment system”.
Dr. Rodica Comendant, international expert and WHO consultant on safe abortion and family planning, director of the Reproductive Health Training Centre in Moldova, presented the latest WHO recommendations on access to safe abortion services, including medical abortion through telemedicine and regional perspectives. She also spoke about the experience of piloting medical abortion through telemedicine in Republic of Moldova.
During the event Dr. Comendant announced the fast-approaching start of the pilot study: MA through telemedicine in Kyrgyzstan. She answered a lot of questions, the participants had about this new initiative. Many participants expressed their support and requested that this initiative be extended to their regions as well. At the same time, Dr. Borubenko, Director of the Family Medicine Office in Batkent, talked about the limited access to MA in this region due to unstable political and military conditions. Neither the less, he expressed his desire and readiness to implement MA through telemedicine as soon as possible in this conflict region.
At the same time, during the event, the pilot study teams were trained. They were from the two-family health centers, one in Bishkek and the other in Djalal Abad. The participants of the training were 4 OBGYN doctors, 2 nurses and 2 members of KFPA.
The study protocol, study forms, informed consent, patient instruction sheet were presented and discussed in depth with the participants. Training materials were printed in advance and distributed to participants. Fifty boxes of Medabon, purchased in advance, 20 for Djalala Abad Family Health Centre and 30 for Bishkek Family Health Centre were provided.
Moldova’s experience in the use of MA through telemedicine was a useful and informative example. Also, the website www.cidsr.md was presented to the participants as an example to be used as information and communication tool.
During the event, important details for the achievement of the proposed objectives were outlined, which will facilitate the implementation of the pilot study in the Kyrgyz Republic and increase the promotion and implementation of MA through telemedicine. At the same time, existing barriers that may slow down the implementation of the project were identified in order to find reasonable and early solutions.
This event was extremely important, as it played a crucial role in setting the foundation and making the necessary preparations for the pilot study aimed at advancing the goal of ensuring women’s rights to access safe abortion procedures in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. By conducting this study, the intention is to gather important data, evaluate the existing situation, and address any barriers or challenges that may hinger women from accessing safe abortions.