Women and girls with disabilities participate in training of trainers on March 21-23, 2022
Over the course of 3 days, on March 21-23, 2022, 14 women and girls with disabilities participated in a unique and engaging training of trainers focused on sexual and reproductive health and rights. The overall goal of the training was to capacitate a group of women and girls with special needs from different parts of the country to become sexual and reproductive health and rights trainers.
The objectives of the course included:
- Women and girls with special needs gain basic knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and rights, especially about sexuality, changes in adolescence, and sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, contraceptive methods, safe sexual behavior, relevant national legislation, prevention of sexual abuse, and preparation for pregnancy and childbirth;
- Women and girls with special needs gain basic skills in conducting and facilitating informational, educational and communication activities, especially informational sessions on sexual and reproductive health and rights;
- Women and girls with special needs are able to facilitate peer-to-peer activities in their communities.
Course trainers included Ludmila Iachim, Executive Director, The Association “MOTIVAȚIE” of Moldova; Anna Susarenco, SRHR trainer, Founder of Y-PEER; Olga Afanas, Psychologist-counsellor, trainer in personal development and Irina Sagaidac, Associate professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, USMF “N. Testemitanu”.
The course was organized by the Reproductive Health Training Center of the Republic of Moldova with the support of the Embassy of Finland in Bucharest as part of the project “Inclusive and Accessible for All: A Multi-Component Approach to Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities.”
Below you can find all the informational materials and presentations from the training. We hope that these materials will be useful for training participants in carrying out informational activities that they will be planning.
For the same purpose, we think that this series of animated videos on sexual and reproductive health and rights could also be useful. You can open them by clicking on the following l ink:
More information on other sexual and reproductive health topics can also be found at
Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CIDSR98
Our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CIDSR
Training materials:
Olga Afanas
- Spații publice, spații private. Spații intime. cercul intimității
- Formele, particularitățile și consecințele abuzului sexual
Ludmila Iachim
- Sexualitatea la persoane cu dizabilități
- Istorii de succes a cuplurilor cu / și fără dizabilități
- Drepturile sexuale și reproductive
Irina Sagaidac
Anna Susarenco
- Anatomie și fiziologie
- Sex fara riscuri
- Sănătate sexuală și reproductiva adolescența
- Cum să organizez bine o oră informativă?
Alte prezentări:
- Training de formare de formatori „Drepturile și Sănătatea Sexuală și Reproductivă a Fetelor și Femeilor cu Dizabilități”, CIDSR
- Reguli de organizare a activităților cu participarea persoanelor cu dizabilități, Costin Ana
- Mecanisme naționale și internaționale privind protecția drepturilor persoanelor cu dizabilități, Galina Climov