The Reproductive Health Training Center with the support of Solidarity international, extends the children's day camp project.[:]

27 October, 2023

After the successful implementation of the previous project and the creation of inclusive toilets, our capacity to adapt and educate children has increased, the team of teachers has the necessary experience to effectively conduct the educational process, and parents are happy to entrust their children to our team.

Reproductive Health Training Center will continue to operate an Integration Children’s Day Camp – Integration Summer Camp – “Solidarity, Equality, Peace! Continuation, after-school program”, in partnership with the Adam Mickiewicz Polish Library as a professional, accredited educational institution in Chisinau with specific measures to increase inclusive access to educational services for children with disabilities.

The beneficiaries of the project will be 50% of refugee children, both girls and boys (regardless of nationality, religion, social and ethnic origin), through free enrollment by informing the public about the opening of the integration children’s camp. The other 50% of invited children will be children from the Ukrainian, Polish diaspora in Moldova as a national minority, children from vulnerable Moldovan groups, e.g. children whose parents work abroad and are under the care of relatives, children with disabilities, children from socially vulnerable families.

Currently, 10-15 wheelchair users visit the library every month, and now they can stay in the library for longer periods of time because there is now a toilet that meets their needs. The Adam Mickiewicz Library is the first public library in Chisinau with a toilet equipped for people with special needs.

Children need safety. It is important to create a safe place where there are teachers with whom the child or adolescent can talk about their problems, express them through different activities. Often a child has no one to talk to but his or her parents, because he or she has had to move and has lost contact with family and friends, or they are simply not physically around. Therefore, it is very important to create a space of trust and understanding. A child cannot learn if they are afraid, their basic instinct is to stop or run away. A trusting environment will help the learning and integration process.

Also, children need basic knowledge of the Romanian language, because in most cases they go to Russian or Ukrainian schools and do not learn Romanian, and their parents cannot help them learn Romanian because they do not speak it themselves. Often the lack of basic knowledge of the language hinders acquaintance and contributes to bullying and other forms of discrimination in society. That is why it is important to take a basic externship course at a children’s camp, in a gentle way, to be able to answer simple questions and understand their context.

Among other things, children need to socialize with peers to have a social circle and not be lonely, which can lead to depression and other negative consequences, as well as reduce the ability to learn in the future.

The main task of the project is to ensure the operation of the children’s day camp for the entire period of its implementation – 3 months. Each shift will include interest groups: children 7-14 years old (up to 30 people simultaneously in several different shifts), including children with disabilities, children from vulnerable groups, minorities and teen volunteers 12-17 years old, up to 4 people. For the first time, children with disabilities will be able to fully participate in a rich inclusion program through expanded access and an inclusive environment.

RHTC, as part of the project, will provide a health and hygiene expert, represented by Rodica Comendant, director of the Center, to conduct an educational course for the children. Also 200 children and teenagers will be able to take advantage of psychologist’s consultations, visit excursions around the city, take part in drawing classes, which will be held in the library, as well as in leisure activities, which will be held outside. A total of 200 children will visit the day camp.




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