Integration Summer Camp - Solidarity, Equality, Peace! Continuation, after-school program.

IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 01.10.2023- 30.12.2023

DONOR: Solidarites international

Population served: All children visiting the library during the year. 200 children during the continuation, after-school program, including refugee children, children with disabilities, children from vulnerable families, children from ethnic minorities.

Overall Objective:

To continue to operate an integrative children’s day camp in partnership with the Adam Mickiewicz Polish Library as a professional, accredited educational institution in Chisinau with specific measures to increase inclusive access to educational services for children with disabilities.

Specific Objective 1:

Re-organize the process of enrolling children and conducting classes under the after-school group, taking into account the needs of beneficiaries.

Prepare lesson plans, hold a meeting with the after-school staff, prepare materials for the reception of children and adolescents, procure food for meals between classes, select a tour bus. Announce the enrollment of groups, hold meetings with parents and discuss the conditions of attendance.

Specific Objective 2:

Ensure the operation of the children’s day camp for the entire project implementation period – 3 months. Each shift will include interest groups: children 7-14 years old (up to 30 people in several different sessions at the same time), including children with disabilities, children from vulnerable groups, minorities and adolescent volunteers 12-17 years old, up to 4 people. For the first time, children with disabilities will be able to fully participate in a rich program of inclusion, thanks to increased access and an inclusive environment. Also 200 children and teenagers will be able to take advantage of counseling sessions with a psychologist, visit city tours, take part in drawing classes, which will be held in the library, as well as leisure activities, which will be held outside. A total of 200 children will attend the day camp.

Specific Objective 3:

Publicizing the whole process of integration of children, attending excursions, activities, positive stories on social media, including stories of children with disabilities and their impressions of attending the summer camp, feedback from the parents. Announcement of the next events at the Polish Library after the end of the project.

Specific Objective 4:

Reporting, monitoring, evaluation of results.


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