Training: "SYNERGIES - Humanity & Inclusion: Handicap International Federation Kick-Off Workshop for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities". [:]

18 May, 2023

The RHTC team believes that training should be a continuous process, and recently one of our colleagues – Nataliia Oleatovschi, participated in a training entitled: “SYNERGIES – Humanity & Inclusion: Handicap International Federation Kick-Off Workshop for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities”.

This training was focused on an area relevant to the work of our organisation, representing another valuable investment in improving the quality of the activities carried out by RHTC.

During the course, which took place in Keystone Training Center, the participants received essential information on topics such as: basics of disability, concept of inclusive humanitarian action, concept of accessibility, ensuring accessibility in social services infrastructure, etc…

The participants had access to up-to-date and essential information on social inclusion and the rights of people with disabilities.

In conclusion we would like to emphasize that Inclusive Humanitarian Action focuses on identifying and removing barriers so that people and groups who are more at risk, discriminated and/or excluded can participate in the decision-making process and benefit from humanitarian actions on an equal basis with others, while being able to improve and develop inclusive humanitarian actions themselves.

The skills gained at the training will certainly be applied in practice and will have a positive impact in achieving the mission of RHTC.

For more information in this area, please consult the guidelines “INCLUSION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN HUMANITARIAN ACTION“, attached to the article.




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