
 Period  Donor, Project Budget
1. PROJECT: National Media Campaign to Combat Stereotypes and Raise Education and Awareness of the Population of the Republic of Moldova on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, with a Focus on Socially Vulnerable Groups and People with Disabilities
2024 CNAM –National Medical Insurance Company
2. PROJECT: Study – Identify the level of young people’s knowledge of sex education through public libraries in the Republic of Moldova 2023-2024 Solidarites international, 18000 EUR
3. PROJECT: Integration Summer Camp – Solidarity, Equality, Peace! Continuation, after-school program. 2023 Solidarites international, 28 850 EUR
4. PROJECT: Integration Summer Camp – Solidarity, Equality, Peace! 2023 Solidarites internationa, 65 000 EUR
5. PROJECT: Women’s reproductive health services in line with the latest who recommendations – a comprehensive approach to safe abortion and family planning 2022-2025 Safe Abortion Action Funds
6. PROJECT: Who 2022 recommendations closer to women and health care providers in Transnistria 2022-2024 Safe Abortion Action Funds
7. PROJECT: Setting the stage for regional scaling up of medical abortion via telemedicine in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). 2022-2024 Grand Challenges Canada – The OPTions Initiative
8. PROJECT: Inclusive and Accessible for All: A Multi-Component Approach to Advancing the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities 2021-2023 Ambasada Finlandei la București
58 893 EUR
9. PROJECT: Improving access to inclusive and rights-based sexuality information: an arts-based approach 2021-2023 Swedish Institute
992 036 SEK


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